The European Conference on Complex Systems is a renowned and prestigious international conference in the area of complex systems - and interdisciplinary science in general - that has now reached its 12th edition.
ECCS’14 will offer unique opportunities to study novel scientific approaches in a multitude of application areas. Two days of the conference, September 24th and 25th, will be reserved for satellite meetings, which will cover a broad range of subjects on all aspects of complex systems, as reflected by the conference tracks.
Furthermore, the Conference offers to the companies interested in supporting the event, a wide range of visibility possibilities, before, during and after the event, and excellent recruiting opportunities, thanks to the partnership with the IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca.
To know more about our visibility possibilities, download the ECCS14 Sponsorship Proposals or contact the ECCS14 Organizational Secretariat:
Clickutility on Earth
Tel. 0039-051-2960894
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